Llewellyn Sale!

Some books were 50% off, so, of course, I jumped at the chance to get them. I compared them to the Kindle books, and purchased the physical books if they were cheaper.

Crystal Talismans which consisted of four crystals for Love, Success, Fortune or Well-being. I chose Fortune. Adventurine, Hemataite, White Moonstone and Clear Quartz were the stones I got. I’ve put them aside to wait until I need them badly.

Daily Writing Resilience is a daily book of prompts and “Takeaways” for writers to get their thicker skin. I’ve found this book to be a lot of fun, not preachy (Like The Artist’s Way).

Tarot Inspired Life is an excellent book for writers. I read it in Kindle, and when I saw it was 35% off, I bought the physical copy.

The Essential Golden Dawn, In addition to Tarot Magic, and High Magic, continues my work with ceremonial magick.

The Magic of Tarot by Sasha Graham just came in, as well. I haven’t had a chance to skim over it yet, but Sasha has written other tarot books that I’ve read and liked.

I am plowing through Holistic Tarot by Benebell Wen, an 800 page tome of everything you ever wanted to know about Tarot. It offers templates for you to fill out in your own tarot journal. And keep notes on people that you read. If your shrink does on you, so can you,

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