Tools of the Trade


The above picture is just some of the decks I have and use. I’ll be reviewing them in coming blog posts.

I use them for divination and answers to questions. The divination isn’t so hot anymore, but answering questions or even giving them a topic seems to lead to more direct answers.

I struggle doing divination for myself, mostly because I’m so close to the topic. I’m not quite open minded anymore when it comes to my stuff. My questions should be “How do I get something to happen?” rather than “Will something happen?” I am a card addict, hence my attachment to sticky notes and index cards.

A Sorcerer’s cabinet

I have kept most of these items in this cabinet for at least 30 years. The teacups and plates were originally in the cabinet, but I moved them down to make space for my witchy stuff. They were my great-grandmother’s fine china.

I have a mortar and pestle that I used for incense, but because my son is allergic to the stuff I put on charcoal blocks, I have to resort to an oil diffuser. I have tons of candles, mostly votives for short, intense workings. I will be honest that I don’t bring out the candles and incense until I am in dire need. Most of my work is in theory.

I have crystals, scrying mirrors, and a pair of dousing rods. And, of course, tarot card decks that I don’t use. When you open the cabinet, the scent of loose incense comes out.

The gods on the top shelf are Hecate, Athena, Hades (behind the two goddesses) and Hermes Psychopomp. I keep them in the cabinet, protected from the ever-present dust of my home. I have another cabinet that I want to put them in, but my mom’s porcelain dolls are there right now. The area is blocked off by boxes so the cats won’t go there.

And, of course, I have books on magic, everything from Alexandrian Wicca of the 1990’s to made up traditions presently on the Kindle. I’ll review those in this blog as well.

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