I have this as a physical book. Mary K. Greer is the best author on tarot, ranking right up there with Theresa Reid. This workbook is detailed (if repetitive). I used a separate notebook for most of it, but I never finished the book. 4 stars
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Israel Regardi
ZZZZ So dense. I tried to read four of his books, but it was like plowing through the Canterbury Tales in Old English. Golden Dawn, Tree of Life, Garden of Pomegranates, and Middle Pillar. They were physical books, which makes it even worse. Two stars for all of them.
Been a while, yeah, I know. I’ve been too poor to buy new books and tarot decks. I’ve been concentrating on my writing and taking care of my sick cat. My plan is to go to “A Touch of Magick” in Uxbridge, MA as soon as I have some extra cash. I feel the need… Continue reading Update
The Essential Golden Dawn
For such a small book, it’s jam packed with information that is necessary for you to decide whether or not you really want in on the Golden Dawn. After reading this, I found that maybe, just maybe, ceremonial “high” magic isn’t right for me. I’ve read four books on high magic, and all of them… Continue reading The Essential Golden Dawn
Thoth Tarot Deck
I can’t believe I actually didn’t buy this. Or I did buy it, and I put it away. I know I bought a book for it. Somewhere…my house is an abyss. It swallows things I put “away”. I bought with this deck Understanding Aleister Crowley’s Thoth Tarot by Lon Milo DuQuette. I’ve read other books… Continue reading Thoth Tarot Deck
The Magic of Tarot
by Sasha Graham. I wrote my review of this book in Goodreads before reading the other reviews. I gave it 4 stars and did not finish it because the last third was card meanings. I also found myself skimming through the first half of the book. It was so choppy, meant for someone to work… Continue reading The Magic of Tarot
No more Tarot Decks?
For shame! Actually, I’m being very particular about my tarot decks. I want to get the Runic Tarot, but it’s $35. I think I am done buying decks once I get that one (at least until some cat/unicorn/RWS deck comes along). I have finally found THE tarot book (Holistic Tarot), THE tarot deck (Robin Wood),… Continue reading No more Tarot Decks?
Holistic Tarot Review (part 1)
by Benebell Wen. When I first saw this book, I was like, “$21.00 for the Kindle edition? Screw that.” Little did I know that the entire book is over 800 pages! I bought the physical copy and was indeed surprised at the size of it. The size didn’t scare me. I read through the first… Continue reading Holistic Tarot Review (part 1)
Llewellyn Sale!
Some books were 50% off, so, of course, I jumped at the chance to get them. I compared them to the Kindle books, and purchased the physical books if they were cheaper. Crystal Talismans which consisted of four crystals for Love, Success, Fortune or Well-being. I chose Fortune. Adventurine, Hemataite, White Moonstone and Clear Quartz… Continue reading Llewellyn Sale!
Llewellyn’s books
Read so far a book on Dreams, which was worthless. Just finished Complete Book of Divination, which is a really good overview of different kinds of divination, from Augury to Tarot. Four stars on Goodreads. Complete Book of Ceremonial Magick is next in the pile.